
Of US homes are podcast fans!!


Of the population listens to an average of 7 podcasts per week!

Podcasting broadens your audience

Build a genuine connection with today’s listeners through original content that fans enjoy while driving, working or relaxing. As the expert in your field, you gain visibility with prospects by effectively conveying your message as the industry go-to resource.

The best podcasts require expert planning, human appeal and top-notch expertise to succeed.

McGrath PR and GreenCastle Media combine their expert skills in marketing and technology providing you with effective communication of your message and mission.  We provide turnkey podcasting solutions, and an innovative marketing vision that best conveys your organization’s message and meets your audience growth goals.  Proven methods identify and engage your listeners, shape unique series content, and retain leadership with each each new episode. 

Your PODCAST is…

Recorded in a professional studio to ensure professional results. Step-by-step, we’ll guide you
through captivating content creation, interview outline, recording, editing, hosting, publication, promotion, metrics and marketing to keep your goals on track!

Looking for PR, social media and video components too? The studio space allows us to create that combination in tandem, tap our professional industry resources, making PodSpark the only stop for all your communication needs!

BUNDLES - 3 Episode Series

Each Bundle Includes

Service Enhancements

6 podcasts
– free branding graphic
12 podcasts – 13th episode is free!

An innovative marketing venture of